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Made In His Image

By God’s Holy design we are made in His image…Body (physical), Soul (emotional and mental), Spirit (spiritual). God has given us the tools through the blood of Christ and power of the Holy Spirit to bring healing and set the captives free.


Only true healing can take place through a relationship with Jesus Christ and entering covenant with Him.  God’s plan is to bless, grow and give life abundantly. However, we must be of sober spirit, being on alert. Our adversary Satan is also known as the enemy. He is a thief who only comes to steal, kill, and destroy.  The enemy’s deception is on the streets, in homes and even in our churches.  Through the blood covenant with Jesus Christ, we have been given total authority over the enemy to set the captives free through intensive spiritual prayer. We believe spiritual healing means, freeing individuals from demonic influences, as well as, healing the sick as Jesus references in Matthew 10:8. Without spiritual healing we are hindered and cannot fully live the life of abundance that Jesus came to give.


Experiences throughout our lives have a direct connection with our mental health and wellness. We all can benefit from a trained outside perspective to help navigate our journey. Reframing our thought process includes disabling toxic thoughts, behaviors, and negative coping skills. Mental freedom is experienced with a mind girded in peace, with Christ centered coping skills which bring healing from the wound’s trauma, grief, and hurt have left. For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but instead power, love, and a sound mind.


God gave us emotions for many reasons. Our emotional health is critical to living free from bondage. It is also essential that we do not ignore our negative emotions and bury them. When our emotions are buried and ignored the enemy gains a foothold that will grow into defensive strongholds and negative coping mechanisms.


Our physical bodies are impacted by our emotional, metal, and spiritual health.  If we are unhealthy in any of these areas, our physical bodies suffer.  A path of total freedom must include our physical body; however, this is too often ignored.  Addressing the needs and brokenness in our physical bodies is a part of the complete healing picture. There are many ways to bring our bodies into physical healing which include, but aren’t limited to: healing prayer, blessings, detoxes, reflexology, full body massages, chiropractic work, and Cyma.  

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