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Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment
James 2:13

Mission Statement

Made in his image

Mercy Street is dedicated to bringing freedom to whosoever by the love of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit through spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical healing.








By God’s Holy design we are made in His image…Body (physical), Soul (mental, emotional, will), and Spirit (spiritual). God has given us the tools through the blood of Christ and power of the Holy Spirit to bring healing and set the captives free.






Are there things in your life that you haven’t been able to overcome?


Have you ever suffered injustice?


Do you feel alone, abandoned, or rejected?


Have you been through a traumatic event?


Do you suffer from depression, anxiety, and/or fear?


Do you live with the physical pain of hurt?


Do you have any physical ailments?


Do you act in ways that seem beyond your ability to stop?


Do you struggle with any forms of addiction?


Do you struggle with constant nightmares?


Do you hear or see things that other people don’t?


Do you have racing thoughts you can’t stop?


Have you ever suffered from mental health disorders?



If you answered yes to any of these questions and would like to schedule a prayer session, please send an email to



"Having been a Christian my entire life, I had heard about deliverance and how it set people free, but I had always been skeptical about it. As a child I had experienced trauma which led me to continue patterns of opening doors that should have stayed shut. I was unaware of the spiritual impact this was having on my soul, mind, and body. I went for deliverance and soul ties and generational chains were broken, and God set me free from the darkness that had been oppressing me for years. 

I encountered the Lord in a whole new way and feel like a brand-new Christian all over again! I have a whole new fire from Him and for Him!"


"I just want to give God thanks and testify to the goodness of the Lord in deliverance. I had been struggling with all kinds of demons for several years; they interfered with my prayer life and the reading of scripture. I had been praying to God for some time that He needs to deliver me completely. I knew I needed help; I was tired of fighting alone. I shared that I needed deliverance. It was a wonderful experience. With the help of Mercy Street, the Lord set me free from all kinds of junk, I was gloriously delivered. Since the deliverance, I have been spending time with God through prayer and bible study, and there has been no interference. I read the word with clarity. Thank you so much for letting the Lord use you."


"Throughout my life, I have faced many challenges and trials.  Through these trials, I began to realize that I had been carrying a weight that was keeping me from being the Christian that the Lord had created me to be. I had opened one to many doors in my past, and in doing so, I allowed myself to fall victim to oppression.  I reached out to Mercy Street for inner healing, guidance, and deliverance, and through their willingness and commitment to setting people free, I found a freedom that I have never known.  The weight was lifted, I felt light, and my heart was quickly filled with joy.  I no longer felt the bondage of the enemy, instead, I was completely filled with the Holy Spirit and finally able to breathe again.  I am so grateful for this organization, and their heart for Jesus.  Mercy Street truly helped me find freedom again."


"As far back as I can remember fear, doubt, and worry constantly haunted me. It dictated my decision making and even spilled over into my parenting as an adult. I made to decision to ask for prayer and went through the inner-healing and deliverance process and was set free by the loving power of Jesus Christ! I now live free from that which once crippled my life. No longer am I a slave to its influence. All Glory to God!"

I sought the Lord, and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears. - Psalm 34:4



Mercy Street partners with Sunrise Ministries in the path of healing. The body of Christ working together in unity, all to the glory of God!


Bethany Foran

Before I met Jesus, I was completely broken, addicted to drugs, living in an abandoned house, and believing that there was no hope to be found. A while later, I was under the influence, driving down the street and I cried out to Jesus and said to Him, “I know I need you, but I don’t want you, MAKE ME WANT YOU.” His Mercy covered me, and I encountered him face to face on New Year’s Eve, 2009.


Through this encounter, I was radically changed forever. After graduating from a long-term rehabilitation program, I realized Jesus had not only saved me but was calling me to be a vessel for others to encounter the love and mercy that I had found in Him those many years ago.


For 10 years, I was a director and supervisor at the Atlanta Dream Center/Out of Darkness safe homes, where we reached and restored over 1,500 rescues from sexual exploitation, and homelessness. All of whom came from different backgrounds. During this time, God was sharpening, equipping, and revealing His heart to me. This is where the new ministry, Mercy Street was birthed... A path of Freedom for Whosoever.


It is truly only the power of God that sets the captives free!


What became evident to me as I sat with exploited women, over these many years, is that the captive is not only the girl addicted to drugs and selling her body, but it can also be the mom going to church every week with her children, unable to break free of anxiety and depression; it can even be a pastor who struggles with unworthiness and burnout.


I have sat with many broken individuals, both in the street and in the pews. I have watched the power of God mend broken bones, bind the brokenhearted, and deliver many from the enemy. It began in me, and I want others to receive the same mercy I was shown.


Through this journey I have found that God has been stirring the need for a deeper healing in other ministry leaders as well. As a body of Christ, we are stronger when we are united. Mercy Street believes in linking arms with other ministries to have the strongest impact possible all for the glory of God!




Kimberly McDevitt

I have been married for 27 years and have four beautiful children and a daughter-in-law. I am ordained and a licensed clinical pastoral counselor with a Masters Degree in Christian Counseling. I also hold certification in Inner Healing. Even though I hold these credentials it is because of the power and leading of the Holy Spirit when true transformation takes place.    


I know the power of His divine, sovereign protection along with His perfect, complete healing after experiencing the harsh effects of this world. I have intimate knowledge of extreme brokenness both physically and emotionally. I have lived with absolutely nothing, and I know the blessings of much. He has walked me out of captivity into freedom. Thus, for the rest of eternity I am surrendered to Him.


However, He can use me I am, with joy, all in. That is my testimony and is what all my qualifications and achievements fall under. I am nothing apart from Him. I have nothing to offer except what He can do through me. 


Over the years Jesus has been teaching me His ways, His heart, and His truth. Through all kinds of circumstances in both traditional classrooms and by simply sitting at His feet listening.


Since the age of 4 Jesus has kept me with the messes in this world and the effects it has on His beloved people who have been fashioned in His image. He has shown me much. 


My most current adventure following Him is taking everything I have learned and experienced by combining it into a path of healing for those in brokenness.


My desire is to be a living sacrifice for Him to use to set the captives (those in physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bondage) free. It is an honor to lead Sunrise Ministries and partner with Mercy Street Ministries. That’s my story and I am stickin’ to it. :)



About Us

All content © 2021 by Mercy Street Ministries

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